We offer the highest quality orthodontic care in Baytown, TX, at Knecht Orthodontics. Our experienced and knowledgeable team is committed to helping you achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile. Whether you are seeking traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners, our advanced treatments can help you get the look you want. We understand how important a positive smile can be and are dedicated to helping our patients achieve a healthy and beautiful new smile.

We offer free consultations to discuss your treatment options with you in detail and answer any questions you may have. Our mission is to give each patient individualized care, using the latest technologies and treatment options to ensure optimal results. With our personalized approach, you can trust that your smile is in good hands at Knecht Orthodontics. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!

Orthodontist in Baytown, TX

Top-Rated Baytown Orthodontics Office

Baytown residents have access to a top-rated orthodontic office with all the latest technology. Led by Dr. Kristen Knecht, we provide quality, affordable orthodontic services to children, teens, and adults. From traditional metal and ceramic braces to the latest Invisalign technology, we use cutting-edge equipment such as the iTero digital impressions scanner and digital x-rays to provide care that meets the highest standards of excellence. If you’re looking for an experienced orthodontist in Baytown, look no further than the team at Dr. Knecht’s office!

Orthodontic Services We Offer 


Traditional metal and ceramic braces are the most popular orthodontic treatment options. These appliances help straighten teeth, improve bite alignment, and enhance facial aesthetics. Metal braces are composed of stainless steel brackets that are attached to each tooth with a thin metal wire, and ceramic braces use brackets made from tooth-colored materials that blend in with the natural color of your teeth.


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment technique that straightens and perfects teeth by using a series of transparent, removable aligners. The aligners are a smooth, soft plastic that tightly fits over the teeth. After two weeks, patients should go on to the next set of aligners in the series until the treatment is complete. A great alternative to traditional metal braces, Invisalign is virtually invisible when straightening teeth.

Knecht Orthodontics is pleased to provide these services as part of our comprehensive orthodontic care. We recognize that every patient is different and that one size does not fit all. We will collaborate with you to build a treatment plan that best suits your needs and provides the results you are looking for. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to set up a free consultation!

Invisalign Provider In Baytown, TX

Invisalign Provider In Baytown, TX

If you’re looking for an experienced Invisalign provider in Baytown, TX, you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Kristen Knecht is a certified Invisalign provider with years of experience helping patients get straight, beautiful smiles with this revolutionary orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional metal braces for people looking for a more discreet and comfortable way to realign their teeth. This revolutionary orthodontic treatment system uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gently straighten teeth without the need for metal brackets or wires. The aligners are made from smooth, comfortable plastic and are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly.

Braces In Baytown, TX

Braces In Baytown, TX

Braces are one of the most popular orthodontic treatments, and they can be used to rectify a variety of issues related to malocclusion or tooth misalignment. This includes overbites, underbites, crossbites, open bites, crooked teeth, and gaps between teeth. In addition to correcting these issues, braces can also help improve the function and aesthetic of your smile.

At Knecht Orthodontics, we offer both traditional metal and ceramic braces in Baytown, TX, to suit different patient lifestyles and needs. Dr. Knecht will work with you to develop a treatment plan that best meets your individual goals.

Types Of Braces We Provide

Metal Braces

Metal braces are an excellent and effective way to straighten teeth and improve your smile. They are highly durable, reliable, and cost-effective compared to other orthodontic treatments. Metal braces use brackets made from stainless steel, which are attached to each tooth with a thin metal wire. These appliances help to realign teeth, fix bite alignment issues, and enhance facial aesthetics.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are an excellent alternative to traditional metal braces for those looking for a more discreet way to straighten their teeth. Ceramic braces use brackets made from tooth-colored materials that blend in with your teeth’s natural color. They are just as effective as metal braces in treating misalignment issues and creating a beautiful smile.

Visit Our Baytown Office Today Or Request A Free Consultation

Knecht Orthodontics is pleased to provide orthodontic services in Baytown, TX, including Invisalign and braces. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to providing you with a unique treatment plan that matches your needs and achieves your goals. We are excited to work with you to attain a beautiful, healthy smile! Call us today to set up your free consultation!